Have you ever looked at your notes from class? Like reeeeeally looked at them? OK let's be honest with ourselves, most "notes" are 50% educational mumbo jumbo, and the other 50%....well that's just your basic doodles, musings, and well, anything else that's not taking notes. As I sit in CSIS...well basically anything, I find myself drawing pretty swirls through all my notes that I did manage to take, or do other things... Like write a blog post, no joke, this is me in CSIS349. Today, just in case you doubt me or are especially curious, we are learning about how if you come up with something, they'll name it after you. For example, the Hamming Code, which was somehow related to parity bits...my notes are too scrambled to make sense.. Lol
I find that the notes' issue, for me, started in high school, when I copiously wrote down every single word of my teachers ever said, especially ALP. For those of you who don't know, as I suppose no one else does, ALP (or the Autonomous Learners Program) was a class in which I had two teachers, Mr. Gau and Ms. Pederson, who smashed Social Studies and English classes together and then did some really super hard interdisciplinary stuff. And yes, it's just as fun as it sounds. Back in those days, my notes looked something like this:
I'm not going to lie, this used to make my life really extra easy on test day, but those were the days that I didn't study before Foundations right before the test. In Maple Grove Senior High lingo, Foundations is the same thing as homeroom. I decided to include a picture of myself and my Foundations teacher, D. Nelson, but he turned to the side right before we took the picture... To all my foundies peeps, this next picture is for you.
Now, back to the task at hand, my notes, or lack thereof in my case. I think for sake of clarity, I should tell you all that this is the second consecutive class period that I've been writing this post...so it's obviously a riveting day. But I think that I should show you the whole point of this story, the coup de gras as it were: a picture (Microsoft Paint representation) of my notes. I promise, it can't be as bad as I make it seem... I hope.
I kid you not, this is what they look like...I even break out multiple pens and/or markers to make them this awesome. I think we should all take this time to answer my first question: have you ever looked at your notes? Answering only for myself, I have to say that I do. Not only because they have valuable information on the top half of one page, but they are quite interesting pieces of art.
So to all of my three blog readers: check out your notes. Got anything interesting?