Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My best friend in the whole wide world

First thing I want to address in this, my second blog post, is that I did in fact come up with the title to this blog with the help of my hilarious best friend, Rachel. She makes my life better all the time and she makes me laugh uncontrollably pretty much every time we hang out. I should mention that she has her own blog at http://rachelrebex.blogspot.com and everyone (i.e. my current 2 followers) should check it out because I love her!

My first real blog post shall be about the day we met, and what a day it was. As I recall, I was attending my older sister Mary's cub ball game. Cub ball, as I feel I should explain, is a little kids version of softball. In essence, your coaches pitch, and all you do is run the bases and hit the ball with zero aim because you really have no idea what you're doing.

To return to the story at hand, I was at my sister's game, and I was not about to watch the whole thing, so I, along with my little sister Sarah, decided to go play on the playground. An unremarkable decision to be made by someone this young (as far as I remember, I was like 5) but it would be one to change my life forever. As it were, Sarah and I were playing on the slide, but since she was so little, it took a bit of coaxing to get her to come down the slide. She was afraid of the slide, and she didn't want to go down, so I slid down before her to show her how easy it was, and to show her that she'd be safe. Alas, my attempts were for not because she still refused to go down the slide.

All of these problems became totally unimportant when all of the sudden a big meanie came and pushed my lovely little sister down the slide. As I watched in horror, I saw a little girl just nonchalantly sliding down the slide after her, and unbeknownst to me, this little girls older sister was on my older sisters team...and I was not a fan of her...or so I thought.

I met this girl later, and she became one of my closest friends in the world, because, she had a valid point. This valid point becomes the moral to my story: If you're going to sit on top of a slide, be prepared to be pushed, because it's meant for everyone's enjoyment...not just your own. HAHA Sorry, that's just a really bad moral, but it makes sense, at least it did in my 5 year old mind.

I, and I suppose Rachel will feel the same, hope you enjoyed the story of a chance encounter that would build a friendship that lasts a lifetime. :)

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