Friday, February 10, 2012

So it's been an epically long time...

Not gonna lie, I gave up on this venture, because it was tedious and made me spend WAY too much time playing around in Paint. Moving right is my life update in 4 short bullet points!

  • 1. I have no life (stick with me here)
    • I am taking 21 credits at MSUM in order to graduate in May...This may or may not kill me by then but who knows? Here, for your ocular pleasure, is I spend my time when my friends are out having fun.
  • b. My work pants are the WORST!
    • They used to be super awesome, but now they suck...which makes me very sad...
  • 3. I have a phobia of checking my e-mail....
    • This didn't used to be a problem, but now I get a lot of e-mail, and it has become a daunting task...
  •  d. I'm recently single...and not sure what to think about it.
    • Life changes are hard, and not so much fun sometimes, but decisions have to be made, and things have to get I did it, and while awful, I think I'm gonna be OK.
In addition to these awesome bullet points and stupendous drawing, here's the low down on the last year: Feb 8 is cursed, I'm sure of it; I'm super cold all the time; I made bad decisions and good ones; I need a big girl job; and finally, I am OK with just being me.

O, and just so you are aware, Campus tours time is super obnoxious...I've listened to the same thing about Maclean Hall 6.3 times since sitting here...did you know that they remodeled the Dragon Cafe? And that the "art" in the Science Lab is the floor? *RANDOM FACT ALERT*


1 comment:

  1. 21 credits are difficult especially your last semester. But look on the bright side, you'll graduate!!! (Which is kind of the scary side too, but forget that!) As for being single, blah. I'm sorry. Men kind of suck to date. Doesn't get much better until you marry them and then....well....then it probably sucks more, I wouldn't know. You are a wonderful person, you have a great personality and a smile I loved to see. Hang in there dear! You will make it through this.

    Theta Mu Sister and ex-coworker Hannah

    P.S. I hope you are still in DZ otherwise I probably made a fool out of myself there. :)
