Friday, October 15, 2010

I don't wanna grow up!

Remember back in those days when all you wanted was to grow? To be a big kid? To be treated like an adult? Aaah, those were the days; no responsibility, no people expecting things from you. I for one really agree with the iconic Toys ‘R Us ad, “I don’t wanna grow up…I’m a Toys ‘R Us kid!”

These days, I’m not so into Barbie dolls or Polly Pockets anymore, but I’ve found something else that is delaying my transition to adulthood: the Internet. We have spent countless hours together, and I have found some really interesting stuff…doing research…not just Facebook creeping on people. (Don’t lie to yourself, we all creep…) I find that for the first couple days I decide to be an “adult” I’m like the most productive person in the world. I clean everything, I make sure to check my bills online, and I do all the adult-like things that real adults do. I become proud of myself…in hindsight, this is always a mistake.

Another thing that the Internet keeps me from doing is my homework. O how tempting it is to just check Facebook for just one second…then three hours later you have one unfinished paper, and a more solid understanding of why you should leave your camera at home in some situations. I have made a concerted effort to not do this, but I somehow end up chatting with someone or following some new Facebook craze about what color my bra is or where I put my purse… I have no idea how many useless quizzes I’ve taken, and how many ridiculous applications I’ve authorized to access my profile information.

After a few days of being very adult-like, I have this realization…I’m in college. Why am I wasting all my free time trying to be something I’m obviously not? This is hen all the trouble starts…I revolt against all of it. I don’t wanna clean. My hands get all prune-y, and then the room that I cleaned smells very strongly of cleaner. (Not gonna lie, I tend to go a little overboard on my adult-like binge when I think NOTHING has been cleaned in FOREVER!) I don’t wanna check my bills. That only reminds me that I have no money. (And I LOATHE not having any money…I like to do stuff when I want to.) I do not want to do other adult like things because I am still in college. And, as my cousins have said, college is a very expensive way to avoid adulthood and the real world. (For those of you whose bubble I just burst, no, college is NOT the real world.)

In light of all of this, I have decided that I am never going to be an adult. I like the Internet too much…and I enjoy not freaking out about everything. So, I’m delaying the inevitable, I’m going to stay a kid as long as I can. Who’s with me?

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